
False sacrifices denote the idea that Lent and many other supposedly ‘Christian practices’ have no real substance other than the significance that it is given to it by the participant.

Holy Days

These days most holidays are leisure based but lack the echo of history that God himself has determined for not only his people but for mankind.

Remembrance and Resolution

In the run up to the New Year many people will be searching for the right party to attend; will be preparing to watch the bonfire; or will be singing praises at a night vigil whilst ushering the new day of the New Year.


Midlife Crisis

Whilst watching a series of documentaries on Feudalism in Medieval England a statement was said that the average peasant life span was around the age 30-40. I thought wow, that’s pretty short, nowadays that's considered to be mid-life. In fact that’s around the age the so called “mid-life” Crisis kicks in, which for medieval subjects was a more end-life crisis.

Vineyard of Lazy men

If you are not part of the process of discipline then you have been made redundant and at risk of your walls lapsing.

Judgement begins where?

When we say judgement must begin at house of the Lord are we talking about a religious experience of conviction, or are we thinking of an entire theocratic judicial system initiated by the Lord to address sin and provide a governance for his nation?