See a need, fill a need

The deficits of society are apparent in this day and age and as believers, and we should identify the needs so we can be the ones to fill it. Thus, being able to advance God’s kingdom through good works of faith.

Her Reputation And Her Funeral

Oh, how the mighty have fallen” they lamented. This was arguably fake remorse, it was no secret that many amongst the guests were co-conspirators in her demise.

Holistic repentance

Perhaps some of this article may sound cryptic, but he who has an ear, let him hear. I am writing about holistic repentance. You must repent of the tree, not just the fruits.

Occupy till He comes

God has given each believer a position in the Kingdom to be occupied, but very few function in it. Many are passively waiting for Jesus’s return and have become inactive whilst doing so.

Stamp eternity on my eyeballs

There is always a sense of limitation and frustration in trying to pen a life admired by so many people. The task itself is a noble one and inspiring.