Nation Builders

Building the society Jesus has in mind.

Introduction to the book of Esther
Oct 01

Introduction to the book of Esther

Intro to Esther: Setting, characters, themes, fast facts, & chapter highlights in this...


Intro to Esther: Setting, characters, themes, fast facts, & chapter highlights in this...

  • The Book of Esther, nestled within the Old Testament of the Bible, offers readers a captivating narrative that transcends its ancient origins. In "Unveiling Esther," we embark on a journey of discovery, peeling back layers of assumptions, stereotypes, and hidden depths that enshroud the characters and events within this remarkable text.

    During this lecture, we will offer an introductory overview of the Book of Esther, with the primary goal of providing you with a foundational understanding of its narrative, characters, and key themes. Specifically, we will briefly address the following aspects:

    1. Background: This will explore the book's setting and the initial events involving King Ahasuerus, Queen Vashti, and Esther's ascent to prominence.
    2. Characters: We will introduce you to crucial characters, such as Esther, Mordecai, Haman, and King Xerxes.
    3. Fast Facts*: You will receive concise historical and contextual information about the Book of Esther to grasp its significance better.
    4. Chapter Highlights: We will provide summaries of the initial chapters, emphasising the sequence of events and the development of characters. 

    This lecture is a foundational stepping stone for our subsequent, more in-depth explorations of the Book of Esther. Our aim is to unravel its rich narrative, uncover hidden insights, and discuss its enduring relevance in the following weeks. Join us on this enlightening journey as we embark on an exploration of the Book of Esther.

     Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 831 8703 1557

  • Category
  • Date & Time
    Oct 01 2023 at 13:30 - Oct 01 2023 at 15:30 Europe/London
  • Location & full address
  • Event Admins
    Frederick Tobun